DARK AVENGER english version
portuguese version

1995 Dark Avenger CD

2001 Tales Of Avalon CD

2003 X Dark Years, Promo CD

Dark Avenger, first version   Dark Avenger   Tales Of Avalon   X Dark Years  

Advertisement 1998 Die zweite Speerspitze des brasilianischen Powermetal der 90er haben wir hier. Mittlerweile gibt es ihre CD auch hier, und einige Reviews sind nicht sehr besonders. Wahrscheinlich haben die nur den ersten Song gehört, der leider etwas seltsam ist, und unglücklich an erster Stelle gepackt wurde. Lasst euch davon nicht irritieren! Hier gibt es nur eins: US Powermetal von internationaler Spitzenklasse! In Brasilia gründete Sänger Mario Linhares (ex RATWHITE) 1993 diese Band ohne irgendwelche Pläne, oder sich über den Stil Gedanken zu machen. 1994 nimmt er einen Song auf und schickt ihn an das "Rock Brigade". Die schreiben eine fantastische Review, jede Menge Post trudelt ein, und so nehmen die Dinge ihren Lauf. Sie machen ein weiteres 2 Track Demo, und die Kunde dringt bis zu uns. Leider wurden viele enttäuscht, da auf Briefe nie eine Antwort folgte. Aber der Manager hatte sich abgesetzt, alle Fanadressen mitgenommen, und an seine P.O. Box kamen sie nicht ran. Dannach fiel die Band für einige Zeit in ein tiefes Loch. 1995 bringen sie aber ihr wunderbares Album heraus. Diese erste Pressung hat ein dunkles Cover und hat den Fehler, dass ein Song 2 mal darauf ist und einer fehlt. Nach sehr guten Resonanzen wird das Album 1998 sogar in Japan released, und es erscheint auch in Brasilien nochmal, mit schönem Löwencover. Die Käufer der ersten Pressung konnten sie kostenlos umtauschen, aber viele haben sie lieber als Rarität behalten, und eine neue gekauft. Das zweite Album war als 28 Track Doppel CD, die die Geschichte der Artussage aus der Sicht von 28 Personen erzählt geplant. Es erschien nach langer Verzögerung endlich 2001, und wurde dann doch nur als Einzel CD gemacht. Musikalisch sind sie immer noch Top, aber leider nicht mehr im US Metal Stil, sondern wie so viele in Epischen Gefilden! Nun lässt Teil II schon wieder ewig auf sich warten! Ende 2003 erschien aber eine Promo CD Single zum "Heavy Melody" Festival 2003! Von den 5 Songs sind 2 total neu, eins sehr orchestral, klassisch und dramatisch von 8 Minuten Länge, und das andere volle Power, wie auf dem ersten Album! 2 Songs sind neue Versionen von den ersten beiden Alben. Dazu gibt es noch den Song von einem MANOWAR Tribute (Revenge - The triumph of tribute to Manowar), wo sie natürlich ......"Dark Avenger" in einer super Version gecovert haben!
Nun hat Mario die Band aufgelöst und hat ein neues Projekt namens HARLEQUIN! ....dann werden wir wohl nie den zweiten Teil der Arthus Legende hören!?? Auf der Homepage steht nur noch ein Abschiedsgruss für alle Fans vom Mai 2005.
Kontakt: http://www.darkavenger.com.br
neue Band Homepage: http://www.harllequin.com.br/

First demo 1994 This is the second track maker of the 90s Power Metal wave in Brazil. Now this CD is also released in Europe, and some reviews are not that good. May be this guys have only listened to the first song, which is really a bit strange. Please be not irritated by that. This CD contains only one thing: US Power Metal of international top class!! In Brasilia singer Mario Linhares (ex RATWHITE) founded this band in 1993 and did not have any plans which style he would play. He recorded a song in 1994 and send it to the "RockBrigade" mag. They wrote an enthusiastic review, and they got lots of mail, and the things began to move. They made another 2 track demo, and now good reviews came from all around the world. Sadly most of the people who wrote to the band got no answer (me included). This was because the manager disappeared and took all the addresses with him, and they could not use the P.O. Box, because it was his. After that the band was very much "down". But when they appeared again in 1995 with the album, they took again no prisoners! It is one of THE classics of worldwide traditional Metal and should not be missed in any collection of True Metal warriors!! The first pressing had a dark cover and had the error, that one song was pressed 2 times, and one is missing. After good reviews, the album even got released in Japan, and was re-released with a nice lion cover. The buyer of the first version could exchange them for free of charge, but most people kept them as a rarity, and bought the new version! The second album was planned as a 28 track double CD which tells the Artus legend from the view of all of it's 28 persons. The release was delayed several times, and then only the first half came out. The music is now different. The times of straight US Power Metal is over, and they sound more epic. The second part takes now again forever to be released! But at the end of 2003 a promo CD single for the "Heavy Melody" festival 2003 was released! From the 5 songs 2 are totally new, one of them is very orchestral, classic and dramatic, and 8 minutes long! The other one is full power like at the first album! 2 songs are new versions from songs of the first 2 albums. And there is a song from a MANOWAR tribute (Revenge - The triumph of tribute to Manowar), which is of course ......"Dark Avenger" in a very interesting version!
In 2005 Mario has stopped the band, and has a new projct named HARLEQUIN! ...will we ever hear the second part of the Artus legend?? At the band homepage there is only a farewell note from May 2005.
Homepage: http://www.darkavenger.com.br
new band Homepage: http://www.harllequin.com.br/

Esta e a segunda maior banda de Power Metal brasileiro dos anos noventa. Porem, quando o CD foi lancado na Europa, algumas criticas nao foram das melhores, o que realmente nao importa. O CD contem apenas uma coisa: Power Metal americano da melhor qualidade! Em Brasilia, o vocalista Mario Linhares (ex RATWHITE) fundou a banda em 1993, sem ideia de qual estilo fazer. Gravou uma musica e, em 1994, a enviou para a revista "Rock Brigade". Essa fez uma critica entusiasmada; a banda recebeu inumeras e-mails e as coisas comecaram a andar para frente. Entao eles fizeram uma demo de duas faixas, e criticas ainda melhores vieram de todas as partes do mundo. Infelizmente, a maioria dos que escreveram (incluindo eu) nao receberam nenhuma resposta, porque o empresario se foi e levou consigo todos os enderecos. Nao podiam nem usar a caixa postal, por tambem pertencer a ele. Sob tais circunstancias, eles se desiludiram. Mas quando a banda reapareceu em 1995 com um novo album, veio massacrando! E definitivamente, um dos classicos mundiais do Metal tradicional e nao deve faltar na colecao de nenhum verdadeiro headbanger. A primeira tiragem tinha uma capa escura e veio com defeito: uma das musicas foi prensada duas vezes, e outra veio faltando. Apos otimas criticas, o album foi ate lancado no Japao, com um belo leao nao capa. O comprador poderia trocar de graca a primeira copia pela segunda, mas a maioria optou por guardar a reliquia e recomprar a outra versao. O segundo album foi inicialmente planejado para ser um CD duplo com 28 musicas, onde seria narrada a Lenda de Artur, na visao de 28 pessoas. O lancamento foi adiado diversas vezes, e apenas a primeira parte realmente saiu. E esperado que, em breve, saia a segunda parte. A musica e hoje diferente; hoje soam mais epicos, a era de Power Metal americano ficou para tras.
A segunda parte levou novamente um tempão para ser lançada, mas no final de 2003 um single promocional para o festival Heavy Melody foi lançado. Das cinco músicas, duas são novas, uma delas é bem orquestral, clássica e dramática e com oito minutos de duração! A outra é bem poderosa como as do primeiro álbum. Duas são versões de músicas do primeiro álbum e a outra é a música que saiu no Tributo ao MANOWAR "Revenge - the triumph of tribute to Manowar" numa versão bem interessante do "Dark Avenger"!
Mario has stopped the band 2005, and has a new projct named HARLEQUIN!
Homepage: http://www.darkavenger.com.br
new band Homepage: http://www.harllequin.com.br/